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Student Bloggers

Want a student perspective? You can check out some of our previous GO Long bloggers! 

For our currently offered list of programs, we have had bloggers in the following locations 
Accra, Ghana (Spring19)
Aix-en-Provence, France (Spring15)
Alicante, Spain (Fall21) (Spring18
Amman, Jordan (Spring16) (Spring15)
Barcelona, Spain (Fall21) (Spring20) (Fall17
Buenos Aires, Argentina (Fall22(Fall18)
Freiburg, Germany (Fall19) (Spring 19) (Spring17
Gabrone, Botswana (Spring15)
*Galway, Ireland (Spring22) (Fall21) (Spring20) (Fall18
*Gold Coast, Australia (Spring18)
*Hamilton, New Zealand (Spring20) (Fall19(Spring18) 
*Liverpool, England (Fall22) (Fall22Fall22) (Fall18)
*London, England (Spring17
*Maastricht, Netherlands (Spring22) (Fall19)
*Macau, China (Spring18
*Marburg, Germany (Fall22) (Fall22)
*Melbourne, Australia (Spring23) (Spring20) (Fall18) (Spring18)
*Nicosia, Cyprus (Spring22) (Spring22) (Spring20) (Fall17) (Spring17) (Fall16) (Fall15)
*Prague, Czech Republic (Fall21) (Fall19) (Spring19) (Spring16
Rabat, Morocco (Spring19)
Siena, Italy (Spring20)
Sorrento, Italy (Fall22) (Spring22)
*Stirling, Scotland (Spring22) (Fall19) (Fall18) (Fall17) (Spring17) (Fall15)
Strasburg, France (Spring23) (Spring19)
*Tokyo, Japan (Fall19) (Fall18)
*SU-in program

bloggers  as of 11.2018*map shows previous GO blogger locations as of 11/2018